Spark and Lovey's third litter at 6 weeks

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Bob and Joy Good                  912-863-5767                  Sylvania


We proudly present our Lovey/Spark 

Pups at 6 weeks



Goodtimes I Can Only Imagine

Hope is 3# 12.8 oz and 7 3/4"


Goodtimes Believe It Or Not

Ripley is 2# 11.2 oz and 7"


Goodtimes Definitely Maybe

Chance is 2# 12.2 oz and 7 1/8"


Goodtimes Believing In Miracles

Faith is 1# 13.2 oz and 6 1/4"

Puppies Pedigree

Every Eye

"All creatures great and small, the Lord God created them all."

GoD and DoG

Every time I lose a dog he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. 

Someday my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving and forgiving. - Unknown

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Sylvania is located 70 miles NW of Savannah, Georgia.

